Her Part to Play: Book Review

BOOK BY: Jenny Erlingsson

What a wonderful debut!

Adanne is trying to stay strong for the family she has left, doing everything in her power to take care of the ones she loves. John is on a mission to leave his past forever behind him. He is forging his way as a new man, despite the glitz and glamor of his Hollywood stardom.

A strong faith thread is woven throughout the entire novel demonstrating the characters’ faith in God and their acknowledgement that they need God to work in and through every situation. The faith message is clear, without it being preachy, and is organic to the story.

I love Adanne’s transformation. She learns that it’s okay to ask for help, to lean on others, and to loosen her grip on things she can’t control. John’s character shows the struggles of holding to one’s principles when they weren’t there before, while working in a very public career. Of searching and waiting for God’s will.

The cast of secondary characters add a wonderful layer to Adanne and John’s story. I hope we see one or two of these characters again in their own happily-ever-after stories!

A great read by a talented author. I look forward to reading more from Jenny Erlingsson.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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