Beneath His Silence: Book Review

BOOK BY: Hannah Linder

What an excellent debut book!

This regency romance has a Jane-Eyre feel to the story. Dark castle. A forbidden wing and tower. A curious heroine. A dark secret that the heroine is determined to uncover and will stop at nothing to do it.

And then there’s her family secret she knows nothing about.

The scenes are extremely short which took some getting used to. Just when I would start to get into that particular part of the story, the scene would switch. It kept the pace quick and moving along, though some parts I wanted to spend more time with the character.

The cast of characters are interesting and colourful, adding to the intrigue of this story. However, one particular character near the end of the story surprised, and one would think because of his vocation, he would not have done what he did.

The hero is brooding, but beneath all the seemingly cold exterior, there’s a depth to his kindness. And a longing to be loved.

Our heroine is stubborn and determined to expose the hero for the murderer she thinks he is.  There’s a nice inner journey played out for her, which helps endear her to the readers.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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